German Music Industry 2011

An economic profile of the German Music Industry. The paper will describe the rich array of branches subsumed under the heading of ‘music industry’ on the basis of official data plus information from professional associations. The music industry covers a broad range of contrasting branches and groups of freelancers. Among them are self-employed musicians and performing artists, musical ensembles working in the private sector, pub- lishing firms, musical instrument manufacturers, private concert organisers and agencies, record companies, recording studios and other business involved in the exploitation of music. These branches are commonly called the economic core area, or the ‘music industry in the narrow sense’ in Germany.
The bibliographical data:
SOENDERMANN, Michael (2011): Music industry, in: German Music Council (2011): Musical life in Germany, Bonn
(A copy of the paper is available at pdf)
Further information about the „Musical Life in Germany“ will be found under

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