Third UNESCO World Forum on Culture and Cultural Industries Culture, Creativity and Sustainable Development. Research, Innovation, Opportunities (Programme). 2 – 4 October 2014 Florence, Italy.
The effective inclusion of culture in national and international development strategies requires progress in the production of new information and data to show, explore and assess multiple, rich and varied forms of the contribution of culture to development processes, recognizing the complexity of this task and its challenges without compromising the action. In view of the above, the following questions will be addressed by the panel No. 5:

  • What strategies can allow measuring change in the cultural sector?
  • How do different definitions of culture and development impact the possibility to measure change?
  • How do we measure the long-term impact of culture using tools which favour the immediate impact?

Panelists: David Throsby (Australia), Professor of Economics at Macquarie University, Sydney; Guiomar Alonso Cano, Chief of the Culture Unit, UNESCO Office in Dakar; Xiong Chengyu (China), Director, National Research Center of Cultural Industries in Tsinghua University; Michael Soendermann (short version) (Germany), Statistical Adviser of the Council of Europe; Omar López (Colombia), International Expert on Culture for Development Indicators; Pierluigi Sacco (Italy), Professor of Economy of Culture, IULM University (Milan); Yago Namaro (Burkina Faso), Statistician, Center of Statistics of the Union économique et monétaire ouest-africaine; Alfonso Castellanos Ribot (Mexico), Expert in Cultural Statistics and Indicators

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