Monatsarchive: Januar 2015

First Global Creative Industries Conference in Hong Kong

The University of Hong Kong invite all people to attend the 2015 IACCI annual meeting on 18 and 19 of April 2015 at the University of Hong Kong. The 2015 IACCI (International Association of Cultural and Creative Industries) is held as part of … Weiterlesen

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EU Culture Ministers: Defend the freedom of expression and protect the rights of artists to create freely

On Wednesday 7 January 2015, a terrorist attack on the offices of the satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo in Paris killed 12 people, most of them journalists and artists working for the magazine. We, the ministers of culture of the European … Weiterlesen

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Monitoring Kultur- und Kreativwirtschaft 2013 erschienen

Das Bundeswirtschaftsministerium (BMWi) hat vor wenigen Tagen das neue Bundes-Monitoring veröffentlicht. BMWi (2014),  Monitoring zu ausgewählten wirtschaftlichen Eckdaten der Kultur- und Kreativwirtschaft 2013, Berlin. Bearbeiter: Zentrum für Europäische Wirtschaftsforschung und Fraunhofer ISI. Kurzfassung download, Langfassung download.

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