It was a great pleasure to participate in the „3rd Power of Culture Forum 2015“ on 9 November 2015, in Quanzhou City, Fujian Province, China. The Power of Culture Forum was organized by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) Beijing Office and the Association for the Promotion of Global Chinese Traders Fraternity Ltd. (GCTF) with the support of the Ministry of Culture. The forum (agenda) aims to contribute to encouraging rich, cross-cutting and original reflection on the power of culture to promote and transform economic development, and social responsibilities of various actors to invest in culture and protect the valuable cultural resources.
Feel free and download my presentation on the topic of local cultural policies to promote culture development during the session “The development of culture creative industry in the big data era”. See also the message from Francesco Bandarin, Assistant Director-General of UNESCO’s Culture Sector.

Ms Himalchuli Gurung (Programme Specialist for Culture, UNESCO Beijing Office), Mr Zhang Jiangang (former Professor at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS), Beijing), Mr Michael Soendermann (Office for Culture Industries Research, Cologne/Berlin, Germany)